Teambuilding, corporate event celebration or simply fun!


Cambridge Treasure Hunt, Scavenger Hunt, Codebreaker, Indoor or Online team games. Historic Colleges and Perfect Punting - This ancient university city, home to one of the greatest centres of learning in the world, has so much history and heritage to explore. Take in the magnificent chapel of King’s College and then test your punting skills on the River Cam with fabulous views of the classic university buildings.

Location Information

The Cambridge Treasure Hunt or Codebreaker Challenge will explore the great cultural and historical aspects of this world-famous city in an action-packed and highly entertaining event.

We tailor all our corporate events to suit any specific requirement encouraging such crucial elements as team bonding and personal development to provide a great experience for you and your group.

All our events are competitive and require teams to use a variety of skills to keep all team members fully engaged. These include cryptic clues, observation clues, a scavenger hunt, a camera challenge and navigation skills. Communication, initiative, imagination and creativity are key components and most important of all – teamwork.




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